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GPA Quarterly Membership Meeting

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Via Zoom

1:00 p.m.

Meeting Minutes

Board Members Present:                                                                             Guests Present:

Sherri Clark                                                                                              Carol Merada

Sherrie Kent                                                                                              Bev Points

Mike Lorenzen                                                                                           Chelsea Newell

Amy Bradford

Julie Caprette

Marlane Bernardo

Ryan Behenna

Cindy Crochet


Meeting called to order: Sherri Clark, Treasurer 1:07 p.m.


Treasurers Report: Sherri Clark presented financial statements for July 2024, August 2024 and September 2024. Larger expenses were for permanent foster vet expenses.  Fluctuating charges explained for, the ccMerchant fees are from PayPal.  The Software charges were different as some were for the Buzz to the Rescue software amortized and the constant contact charges.

Motion to accept financials:  Sherrie Kent         2nd Ryan       passed via voice vote - unanimous


Dog Status:

Permanent Foster: Sherri Clark

Emma and Elias are with Robbie C.  Elias has an enlarged heart and spleen.  He is being maintained on comfort medication.

Bruce is with Pat F.  He is still as smart and gets into everything when he can.

Tonapah is with Linda L.  He is doing much better health wise now that Linda is feeling better.

Tucker is with Sharry M. Tucker in spite of his advanced heart condition is still going and has way outlived his diagnosis.

Fiona is with Kim W.  No report on her condition.

Gritty’s pain was no longer controlled and he was put to sleep.


Current Dog(s):  Sherrie Kent

Currently only available dog is Lady.  She is in foster and doing well.  Loves her walks.


Old Business:  None


New Business:


Election Nominations:  Julie Caprette

Presented nomination for President: Ryan Behenna; Vice President: Mike Lorenzen; Treasurer:  Cynthina Crochet; Secretary:  Sherrie Kent.


Sherri Clark made it known that under the bi-laws that nominations for President required board experience for minimum 2 years unless exception voted by board.

Motion to allow exception clause for President for this election:  Sherrie Kent   2nd Julie Caprette

Passed via voice vote - unanimous


President nominee Ryan was asked if he accepted nomination and he affirmed.

No other nominations from the floor.      Voice vote: Ryan approved as president - unanimous


Vice President:  Mike was asked if he accepted nomination and he affirmed.

No other nominations from the floor.      Voice vote: Mike approved as vice president - unanimous


Treasurer:  Cindy was asked if she accepted nomination and she affirmed.

No other nominations from the floor.      Voice vote: Cindy approved as treasurer - unanimous


Secretary:  Sherrie was asked if she accepted nomination and she affirmed.

No other nominations from the floor.      Voice vote:  Sherrie approved as secretary for an additional term - unanimous.


Status of Website/database:  Mike Lorenzen


First step of all data has been turned over to Buzz to create program.  Currently waiting on step 2 emails to proceed.  On track to be going live in about a month.


Adoption Committee:  Ryan Behenna

Updates for each committee have been uploaded to Teams site. Briefly touched on Foster and Adoption application pages of the pdf.  Since adoption program began have adopted 13 dogs to forever homes.


Advertising Information:  Cindy Crochet

She has checked with several printers on the cost of the brochures to pass out at meet and greet events.  The tri-fold color brochure costs $0.75 each.  If we go to postcard type the cost is significantly reduced.  By going to the post card handout, we could get 3 foam board poster display boards to put the remaining information on for display at events.  She would submit additional information to board.



Cindy submitted additional information via email and asked to include in recap.



Please include this in your board meeting recap.  Thanks, and congratulations!


Printing Expenses and Strategy


I checked several on-line printing services as well as Office Max.  The costs are similar, and when we get ready to print, we can see if any of them are running discounts. 


All of the options are full color and printed both front & back.  Cost/unit is for 250 copies.  We can order fewer copies, but the cost/unit increases.

$0.74- Trifold brochure, 8.5x11 inches

$0.50 - Flyers, 8.5x11 inches

$0.22 - Postcards, 4x6 inches

$0.12 - Business card


For meet & greets, my recommendation would be to go with postcards or business cards.  We’d have a cute photo of a greyhound on the front along with our GPAH logo.  On the back, we’d have our contact info: web page, phone number, Facebook page & donation QR code.


I think we should print up 3 or 4 poster-sized foam boards for the meet & greets.  Foam boards are really long lasting & can be used for years if you’re careful.  The foam boards would have the detailed info (greyhound fun facts, how to foster, how to adopt, etc).  We could encourage people to photograph the foam boards, then give them the postcard.  Office Max can produce foam boards for about $35 each.


Last thing, we may want to coordinate the postcards & foam boards with the design of our new website.  I thought Buzz to the Rescue could generate newsletters, so maybe they have some templates for other promotional materials too.





Motion to Adjourn:  Sherrie Kent             2nd Julie Caprette

Ryan Adjourned meeting 1:34PM

@2025 by Greyhound Pets of America Houston.

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