Special GPA Houston Board Meeting
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Via Zoom
7:00 p.m.
Board Members Present:
Sherri Clark Pat Freytag Sherrie Kent Julie Caprette
Mark Brooks Marlane Bernardo Chris Ford
Guests: Pam Yoder; Sharry MacLaren; Jess Ford
Meeting Called to order by President, Pat Freytag at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Minutes: Minutes from 02/08/23 Special Board Meeting were brought up for approval.
Chris F. 1st Julie C. 2nd Board gave approval with no dissent.
Purpose of meeting: To decide if GPAH would allow the restart of adoption program. To decide between the two proposals and if expenses would be allowed and how to pay for expenses.
Sherrie Kent, Sharry MacLaren and Pam Yoder presented the program business plan.
First issue was the lack of liability insurance to cover permanent foster dogs, homes, volunteers, the board as well as adoption program. A motion was started but before it could be requested, there was request to wait and hear the entire program before decision was made. Board agreed.
Program included the insurance, how dogs were sent to arrive in Houston, expenses for dogs and intent to find homes in the Houston area. The business plan was provided to all board members before meeting, it was thoroughly explained with lots of discussion.
The second proposal from Arden Tucker was in email form with her resignation. She did not attend meeting to accept any discussion. Sherri Clark stated that the alternate proposal would be administered by GALT.
Motion: Sherrie Kent Motion to proceed with the business plan and bring greyhounds from Australia and reinstate liability insurance. Julie C. 1st Mark B. 2nd Pat F. polled the board: Vote Yes – Julie C., Chris F., Mark B., Sherrie K., Marlane B., Sheri C. Motion passed
As this program would require some funds to be used as start up costs Sherrie Kent asked to approve an amount to dedicated to expenses, including use of credit card.
After discussion it was decided that up to $7500 would be allowed to cover insurance, and expected dog costs. The GPAH credit card would be allowed for expenses for GPAH related expenses.
Motion 1st Sherrie K. 2nd Mark B. all approved
Resignation: Arden Tucker sent an email to the board, Arden resigned effective immediately from the board and any and all aspects of the organization where her name, email etc. is connected. Email dated 03/27/23.
Motion to adjourn: Mark B. 1st Marlane B. 2nd Motion approved by all
As Pat F. had already left the meeting, Sheri C. adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m.