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GPA Houston October Quarterly Meeting

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Via Zoom

1:00 p.m.

Meeting Minutes

Board Members Present:

Sheri  Clark                                          Pat Freytag

Sherrie Kent                                       Julie Caprette

Arden Tucker                                     Mark Brooks

Marlane Bernardo


Annual Membership Meeting called to order by Pat Freytag, President at 1:03 p.m.  Quorum met.

No guests present.


Financial:  Sheri Clark

Presented were the financials for July, August and September 2022. After discussion it was moved to accept financials.  1st: Julie C  2nd: Mark B. Approved by all.


Minutes:  Sherrie Kent

Presented were the minutes for July 2022.  No discussion, and moved to accept minutes.  1st: Sheri C 2nd: Mark B. Approved by all.


Dog Status:  Pat Freytag

Permanent Foster Program

All are doing well in their foster homes.  Medical care/medicine provided allowing them to remain doing well and happy hounds.

Tucker and Emma have upcoming vet visits.


Support Status: Pat Freytag

She checked the bylaws for requirements to remain in force regarding membership meetings.  The bylaws state that the meeting must be on a regular schedule, at least yearly. 


It was discussed that several board members wished to be kept advised of the permanent fosters in our program more than twice a year. It was agreed that monthly emails regarding Permanent fosters would go out to board members.   Also, Sheri Clark stated that she would be willing to forward financials monthly via email to the board members for more timely discussion as needed. Voting to approve financials etc, could be conducted via email among board members.   Further discussion was made to set the new bi-annual dates for meetings – the 4th Sunday of April and October of each year.  October 2024 we would need to hold new elections of board officers. Mark B. motioned to accept change and Julie 2nd. Approved by board.


Only received 1 call for assistance of a greyhound adopted through another group.  Julie got in touch with the adopters family and they seem to have worked out a solution that does not involve GPAH.


Pat is still struggling with the telephone company regarding the redirection of the GPAH office phone number.  It remains forwarded to her for action if needed so no calls can be lost.


No Old Business


New Business:

Newsletter change:  It has been brought up by Sherrie Kent that the newsletter is only repeating past subjects.  Would the board like to stop supplying the newsletter on a regular basis? After discussion by board it was decided that the January 2023 newsletter would be the final edition.  To be issued sometime mid January so it would not get lost in the rush of holiday events by membership.  In lieu of a newsletter, any new information would be posted, on needs basis, to the website page or face book page.  There is only $126.35 balance in the Constant Contact account and account would not be renewed.  After the January issue is deducted, the balance would remain to be kept set aside should an emergency blast need to go out, i.e. Lost Dog Notification.


Meeting adjourned:  1:53 p.m.

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