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GPA Houston Annual Membership Meeting Sunday, October 31, 2021

Via Zoom

1:00 p.m.

Meeting Minutes

Board Members:

Sheri Clark

Pat Freytag (Had proxy for Arden Tucker)

Mark Brooks

Sherrie Kent

Julie Caprette


Meeting commenced: 1:06 p.m.

Meeting called to order by Pat Freytag, VP/Secretary


Treasurer Report – Sheri Clark Discussed September 2021 financials.

Greyt Wellness fund automatic donors are down to 10. Several withdrew their donations since no longer adopting greyhounds.

Vet expenses will be just for the permanent fosters now as the final dogs found their forever homes.

Employees wages will be significantly reduced as Robbie will be the only employee until 01/01/22 when he will be paid by the Noble Center instead of GPAH.


Mark motioned to approve financials and Julie seconded. Financials approved.


Meeting Minutes – September minutes were reviewed and approved.

Julie motioned to approve minutes and Mark seconded.


Dog Status – Sheri Clark

Adoption papers for Dutch and Rosie have been completed. All dogs now adopted

Permanent Foster dogs in GPAH care total 9

No further applications will be taken

Data base has been altered to show support fields of availability: Foster, Transport, Member Advise, Search and Rescue categories

29 adoptions in 2021. No new adoptions unless there is a return in the future.



Yard Sale was a success. GPAH earned $1300 and several outstanding members still to pay for items. Remaining items will be sorted and donated to GALT, Long Way Home Adoptables or Salvation Army. This will be the final clear out of all GPAH inventory at the Noble Center.

Final T-Shirt: Julie organized one final GPAH t-shirt. The logo has been created and if at least 30 shirts are ordered at $17.95, GPAH will be receiving a percentage of funds based on how many shirts are ordered. This amount is not known yet. Upon ordering, shirts will be shipped directly to purchaser. The company making the t-shirts, will add a button to their ordering site to allow anyone ordering to add an additional amount as a donation to GPAH. More details later.


Board Changes and Elections

Arden resigned as president, but will remain, serving on board and assisting with website and other duties.

Bev Points and Jenn Valentine resigned as board members.

Election of Executive Board – Annual Meeting Requirement

Nominations :

President – Pat Freytag

Secretary – Sherrie Kent

Treasurer – Sheri Clark

Discussion: Julie questioned about elections of executive board members by membership. It was explained that the annual meeting is when elections are conducted. Any member that attends the meeting can vote. This annual meeting was advertised according to by-laws in advance in the monthly newsletter and website.

Mark motioned that nominations be closed. Seconded by Julie. Motion carried.


New Bylaws Amendments:

Due to COVID monthly meetings have been held via Zoom. This was not in effect back in 1981, but will be amended to show allow zoom meetings as ongoing.

Change minimum number of board members from 7 to 5 including the executive board.

Change of monthly meetings to quarterly January, July, April and October. The Texas requirement of at least once a year to remain.

Day to day business will be conducted by the Executive Committee consisting of President, Secretary and Treasurer.


Bylaws will be published and sent to board via email for approval when complete.


Texas Legislature changed the law that there will be no sales tax on adoptions effective 10/1/2021.


Pat took 5 demonstration greyhounds to Dr. Wall’s pain management training seminar. Future demonstrations dogs will be needed for additional training sessions by Dr. Wall. GPAH newsletter is distributed through Constant Contact (CC). Sherrie K. has suspended this account until the next newsletter is due. The newsletter will now be sent out quarterly. In order to do this, CC requires us to suspend/unsuspended to avoid unnecessary monthly fees. Sheri C. wanted to know who was responsible, and Sherrie K. and Marlane will be responsible as they editor the newsletter. Future billing will still go to GPAH email for payment from GPAH funds.

The website has been revamped by Arden. All members are to peruse the website and notify Arden if any corrections/additions are to be posted.

Mark asked how GPAH will handle future requests for adoptions. After discussion it was suggested to put the link on the website to the NGA adoption page so people research who has adoptable greyhounds.

With Covid continuing, the Noble Center will remain closed. No effect on GPAH as vacating building.


Motion to adjorn meeting – 1:29 p.m. by Sheri C. Seconded by Mark

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