GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting
Sunday, January 24, 2021
1:00 p.m.
Board Members:
Sherrie Kent
Arden Tucker
Julie Caprette
Beverly Points
Sherri Clark
Pat Freytag
Chris Ford
Marlane Bernardo
Mark Brooks
Meeting Commenced: 1:06pm
Treasurer Report – Discussed October, November and December financials. Medical expenses and Kennel supplies biggest expenses. Giftshop expense was for annual fee plus telephone and internet.
Julie moved to approve the financials and Mark seconded the motion. Approved
Meeting Minutes October minutes reviewed and approved. No November or December minutes due to weather and holiday conflicts.
Mark moved to approve the minutes and Sherri seconded the motion. Approved
Dog Status
34 dogs in the program, 16 available, 11 unavailable and 7 permanent fosters. Discussed Banker’s shockwave treatment, Beau’s return, Paulie in foster with intent and Stevie (greyhound mix) arrival and Olivia in foster home.
61 adoptions in 2020 and currently 18 applications (9 from prior adopters) at this time. Some applicants are in apartments which may delay home visits. A couple of the applications are questionable due to special issues.
Fundraising Update Facebook Auction was very successful - raising about $6400. The December Matching fund was also great, raising just under $28,000 dollars which was matched by the fund.
Covid Rules We will continue to restrict the public into The Noble Center and continue to monitor the situation. Announcements will be published on Facebook, the website and on the monthly newsletter.
Bev moved to adjourn and Mark seconded the motion. Approved.