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GPA Houston Monthly Membership Meeting

Sunday, June 27, 2021


1:00 p.m.


Board Members:

Sherrie Kent

Arden Tucker

Julie Caprette

Beverly Points

Sherri Clark

Pat Freytag

Chris Ford

Mark Brooks

Jennifer Valentine

Marlane Bernardo


Meeting Commenced: 1:08pm


Treasurer Report – Discussed April and May financials. Medical expenses and payroll were the largest expenses. A couple of foreign exchange charges were paid as some kennel medications came in from Canada and Australia.

Arden moved to approve the financials and Mark seconded the motion. Approved


Meeting Minutes April and May minutes were reviewed and approved. Mark moved to approve the minutes and Sherrie seconded the motion. 


Dog Status

13 dogs in the program including 8 permanent fosters. Pinky, Coffee and Toby are available and Kiowa and Hefner are adoption pending. Marley is being returned due to not getting along with resident dog.

Currently 7 applications (some awaiting reference checks) and 22 adoptions year to date (mostly from prior adopters).


Fundraising Update We will try and do monthly Facebook mini auctions of one item per month.


Covid Rules We will continue to restrict the public into The Noble Center and continue to monitor the situation. Announcements will be published on Facebook, the website and on the monthly newsletter.


Arden moved to adjourn and Mark seconded the motion. Approved.

@2025 by Greyhound Pets of America Houston.

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