GPA Houston January Quarterly Meeting Sunday, January 23, 2022
Via Zoom
1:00 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
Board Members:
Sheri Clark
Sherrie Kent
Marlane Bernardo
Julie Caprette
Arden Tucker
Mark Brooks
Meeting commenced: 1:05 p.m. Meeting called to order by Sheri Clark, Treasurer
Treasurer Report – Sheri Clark Presented the financial reports for October, November and December for discussion.
Changes noted :
Salaries ended effective December.
Software fees by Quick books are going away as no more payroll.
Dumpster fees transferred to Pat (building owner).
Final T-Shirt quantity for last fundraiser not available. Check from CustomLink received. Updated per Julie sold 53 shirts.
Correction per Sheri Clark-- one change in the treasurers report area- the fees for the payroll portion of quickbooks will go away but we will still have to pay for the basic accounting functions.
Mark motioned financials approval . Julie seconded motion. Financials approved pending finale T-Shirt quantity.
Minutes – Sherrie Kent Presented minutes for October Annual Meeting
Julie motioned to accept minutes. Arden seconded. Minutes approved.
Dog Status – Sheri Clark Permanent Fosters continue. Several have had medical issues that were/are being taken care of. Gritty - is now on Gabapentin, and for an 11 yo, is again a happy boy. He still has needs to get him to medical treatment, and Mark volunteered to help with the transport when needed. No osteo found on the x rays.
Tucker – has outlived every projection for his severe heart issues. The medication is working well. He continues to run and play in foster care as it makes him very happy.
Tres – has developed bleeding disorder issues Von Willebrand factor. He is now on Amicar to control bleeding. Clay Yoder (son of foster parent), who is a dentist, has a treatment for the ulcers that developed in his mouth and Trey now has improvement of the bleeding ulcers. Will ask Pam to see if he will write up a short article of oral care for newsletter.
Cindy – spent the holiday with Janny Planting. Have not heard how she did with the changes yet.
Tonopah- still having issue with hooks. Neurological issues continue, very clumsy.
Bruce – Still spends most of time muzzled due to aggression being unpredictable.
Jolie – Had her dental, and is hanging in there.
Emma – is hanging in there also.
Zoe – No known reports.
Support Mode: Sherrie Kent 3 Calls came in from the public to assist with greyhounds that are in need. Two were not greys, mixes of many unknown breeds. These were referred to other rescues to assist. The 3rd, was a greyhound mix, and after consult with GALT, they quickly sent volunteers to pick up the grey and transport to their facility.
Fund Raising – Arden Tucker Face Book Auction: The first FB auction earned $85 for the feltie. She has up next a custom embroidery cross stitch. She will try to do a new auction every couple weeks. Several items donated already to chose from. Final T-Shirt sale already discussed with financials.
Website: Arden Tucker Website has been totally refreshed. New info was added. She will add the minutes for October shortly. She asked that everyone, if they see any needed updates, to let her know as quickly as possible. Constant Contact: Sherrie Kent It worked well to save money by suspending and un-suspending the
Constant Contact when wanted to do the quarterly newsletter. Will continue to do so, reducing the fees they charge.
Other: Pat is still working on the legal changes going to support mode. Not finished yet.
Motion to adjorn meeting – 1:30 p.m. by Arden T. Seconded by Mark B.