GPA Houston April Quarterly Meeting Sunday, April 24, 2022
Via Zoom
1:00 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present:
Pat Freytag
Sheri Clark
Sherrie Kent
Marlane Bernardo
Julie Caprette
Arden Tucker
Meeting Commenced: 1:10 p.m.
Meeting called to order by Pat Freytag, President
Treasurer Report - Treasurer Report deferred due to family emergency.
Minutes – Sherrie Kent Presented minutes for January Quarterly meeting Julie motioned to accept minutes. Marlane seconded. Minutes approved.
Dog Status – Pat Freytag Eight permanent fosters in program. Bruce, Cindy, Emma, Gritty, Jolie, Tonopah, Tucker and Zoe Tucker has the most expenses due to heart condition. Tonopah will be moving with his foster family to the hill country soon. Gritty is now with Sheri Clark, and doing well. Robbie will soon be moving out of the kennel and Jolie and Emma will be moving to his new home with him.
Information Only: Marlane just returned from a trip to Portugal. She volunteered as a flight buddy for the Senior Sight hound Sanctuary and escorted 4 podenco mixes to the US. These 4 dogs began their trip as true rescues, from the Spain hunting season. Two of the 4 dogs were older than 8 years old. These dogs will be adopted through their Sanctuary.
Motion to adjourn meeting – 1:22 p.m. by Arden T. Seconded by Sherrie K